Community Capacity Building

Organizational Wellness


Creating a culture of wellness within the workplace means to promote and support the wellbeing of your staff. Through yoga and social work practices, Red Linen Moon provides a la carte wellness offerings that support frontline staff and leadership and foster a more cooperative and supportive work environment.


Strategic Planning


Red Linen Moon partners with leadership to break up white supremacy in organizations related to gender, intersectionality, and cultivating ethics in the workplace by using SWOT analysis to work through opportunities in programs, policies, and culture.


“Sequoya's training addresses both in an organic and honest way which allows much needed, difficult and healing conversations to develop and occur. Unlike past strategic planning sessions that gloss over the surface of the organization's needs and struggles, Sequoya's session intentionally dove deep to get at the true need so that our organization could move forward. And it has. Sequoya herself was professional and attentive and offered grounding moments of breathing and developing group norms to ensure that emotions could be honored, safe and processed. Sequoya recognized that this organization is composed of people with pasts, feelings and needs and this session was designed to hold space for whatever came up, good, bad, right or wrong.”


Program Evaluation


Red Linen Moon offers process improvement evaluations, policy and practice review, feedback and survey development and management, program evaluation, and training related to special topics across disciplines and service areas. As an independent researcher and scholar, I seek to provide reliable, accurate, and comprehensive evaluation services while addressing the lack of representation of queer identified, black women evaluators. 


 “During the beginning phases of my social enterprise, Sequoya supported the evaluation of the impact of our services in the Chicago community. Sequoya provided guidance on how we could enhance our services based on the data we collected from our events and services. With the early support of Sequoya, we have been able to not only improve our services but center the needs of the women we serve in our planning and development. I highly recommend Sequoya’s consulting services. I am confident that she will work with you to expand your organization’s impact and success.”


Want more information? Get in touch!